Make it Count Lesson Plans

The objectives provide a concise overview of the intended goals for the lesson.

Subject Area
The subject area indicates the grades and areas of study that the lessons can be incorporated into.

The discussion is intended to introduce the objectives to the students by way of questions that are relevant to the topic.

Each lesson plan describes an activity that supports the objectives. The activity is intended to suggest a creative, applied manner by which to teach financial literacy.

The extension activity is designed to supplement the original activity by way of either homework or further classwork.

Collaborative Feedback
The collaborative feedback section suggests a way to collaborate on the findings from the activity and the extension sections of the lesson plan.

Teacher Tips
Teacher tips suggest creative ways that allow the teacher to enrich the activity and/or incorporate the activity into a suggested subject area.

Pre- and Post-Assessment of Lesson
The pre- and post-assessment question for each lesson helps you establish your students’ baseline knowledge before an activity and provides an indication of what they learned after instruction.