Measuring Learing

There are four simple questions that can be applied to any Make it Count lesson to help you measure your students’ learning. Ask them any or all of the following four questions before you begin a lesson and again after the lesson is complete.

  1. What do you know about/What did you learn about _________ (e.g. planning a party)?
  2. How does/How did planning ahead help you to make decisions with your money?
  3. How does/How did choosing an appropriate product or service make a difference to your spending?
  4. How can/How did managing your money wisely affect your spending decisions?

Student Workbook

Every Make it Count lesson comes with a ready-to-copy handout for your students. These handouts can be put together to create a workbook for students to use throughout the program, complete with a workbook cover page in the Extras section of this guide. Photocopy and distribute it to our students at the start of the program.

The Five Sections of the Guide

It is not necessary for the activities to follow any specific sequence, which allows you to choose segments based on curriculum needs.

Back to Basics

This section describes the key concepts used in money management such as money and personal values, budgeting, setting goals and earning income.

Out and About

Costs and concepts associated with day-to-day transactions in places such as a supermarket, a financial institution, a restaurant and the mall are explored in this section.

Lessons for Life

This section provides an opportunity to promote financial awareness through life lessons such as owning a mobile phone, managing household living costs, giving to those in need and recognizing frauds and scams.

Fun with Friends

This section covers relevant topics associated with the costs and potential savings that can be found in daily recreation activities, at parties or while hanging out with friends.


This section contains a list of books and websites that extend the concepts found in the guide, as well as a table that connects every Make it Count lesson to the General and Specific Learning Outcomes of Manitoba’s curriculum.